& Corruption in Ayurveda
Ayurveda is largely promoted as a purely herbal as they say "Ayurveda is natural as it if from herbs" by our reputed MNCs but the fact is that Ayurveda is not just
about herbs, only herbs are not part of nature, everything in this universe is
a part of nature, and ayurveda believes in using everything that is available
in nature to the best possible matrix so as to solve the human miseries
regarding health, this include use of Minerals(like Mica), Metals(like
Mercury), Animal extracts(like milk, urine, Ghee),Animal body part(Musk Deer)and
last but not least Herbs, and even in case of herbs(Ashwagandha) the various
combination and treatment so as to make them more effective(Kesari Leghyam,
Ashwagandharishtha, Ashwagandha ghreeta).