Ayurveda & Corruption In Ayurveda

Ayurveda & Corruption in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is largely promoted as a purely herbal as they say "Ayurveda is natural as it if from herbs" by our reputed MNCs but the fact is that Ayurveda is not just about herbs, only herbs are not part of nature, everything in this universe is a part of nature, and ayurveda believes in using everything that is available in nature to the best possible matrix so as to solve the human miseries regarding health, this include use of Minerals(like Mica), Metals(like Mercury), Animal extracts(like milk, urine, Ghee),Animal body part(Musk Deer)and last but not least Herbs, and even in case of herbs(Ashwagandha) the various combination and treatment so as to make them more effective(Kesari Leghyam, Ashwagandharishtha, Ashwagandha ghreeta).

Mercury & other metals are not bad if used as per proper text of ayurveda. In ayurveda mercury based medicine has been prepared for more than 5000 years, mercury is treated with sulfur at a certain temp and at the same time some herbs are also added hence making  HgS  compatible to human body, though it is not as easy as it seems, it must have required years of constructive research by our ancestor to find the right herb for a particular metal to make the metal compatible to human body.

Ayurvedic drugs like Chywanprash and Liv 52 have heavy metals such as Abhrak Bhasm which is Pottassium aluminium psylosillicate i.e. Mica and iron rust i.e. ferrous oxides (Mandur Bhasma) respectively as well as other form of Bhasma, but manufacture promote them as pure herbal drugs, as the public generally don’t read the ingredients with much attention.

Ayurveda must have been a very advanced medical science, but unfortunately today it is very  scattered, the exact time of its invention is not known, though some so called expert will say it’s about 5000 year old but it may be much older, some so called PHDs will say that Ayurveda is a mere alchemy, but they are just ignorant, Ayurveda uses Pure mercury, Pure Sulfur, Pure Copper, Pure Arsenic and many other Metals & minerals, this simple fact shows that they were not only advanced in terms of Medical Science but also Engineering Sciences as well as geology, they knew where the mines are available, what is the method of obtaining pure metal from their ore. Ayurveda is capable of doing things which people can’t even imagine today, but it’s not magic it’s Science “Medical Science”, which was called Ayurved in sanskrit.

With time various medical experts (Vaidya) of the ancient Indian kingdom has rewritten the original texts of Ayurveda, as per Indian constitution 54 Ayurvedic book has been recognised, i.e. same medicine can be prepared by 54 different ways of course all of them can’t be right & this shows how scattered the Ancient science is today, there are many missing links as I have discussed that how smritisagar ras made out of Rasyog sagar and Lithium works on me, but still the people in intermediate era were very conscious about the quality which can be easily observed in the text available in the intermediate era which have mentioned various test for checking the quality of these drugs with the limited sources available.

Today some so called Ayurvedic Expert will put a board in front of his clinic “Treatment Of Chronic Diseases” it's a mere trap, to fool you up, as mostly the hopeless fellow for whom there is no treatment or some people who suffer from minor problem such as dandruff, indigestion & acne walks in his clinic, & today the population of these hopeless is pretty large, if you consider the %age of these  hopeless person in Indian population to be arround 10% it account for almost 12 crore People which is a pretty large market, more than the population of Germany, even the so called reputed Indian ayurvedic firms have joined this business, instead of doing a constructive research, people are busy in making money by making false claim, they will give you false assurance that the ayurvedic med takes time, where as the truth is that if the ayurvedic medicine is good enough, then it acts much faster compared to so called Modern Science.

You will never find an Ayurvedic expert who will also write the name of the text book with the medicine, but the fact is that the textbooks matter a lot, same drug of different Pharma company will have different composition due to different text book referred by them, the choice is made based upon the drug which will cost the company the least manufacturing cost.

These corrupt practices are blossoming b'coz Department of Ayush responsible for growth of Ayurveda is a corrupt organisation, managed by person who lack vision, in last 5 years 40000000000 Rs i.e. Rs 4000 Crore Rs were spend on it, but when I filed an RTI to know that how many time drug analyser are checking the medicine of the manufacturing site in the last 4 years, I came to knew that in the last 4 years it was never done,but I never got an written reply, I was informed only verbally, but it doesn't end here when I reported the same to Mr. Gaur (Central Drug Inspector, AYUSH) he told me that in Ayurveda there is no tests for Herbominerals, but the fact is that there are many test which have been mentioned in the ancient text & which has been recognised under AYUSH, apart from this as per law even if there is some drug for which there is no standard test as per ancient text, than  for those drugs test should be performed to analyse the content of the drug as per the information on the label, which in case of Herbomineral can be easily done using equipment like XRF.

Companies such as Baidyanath Jhansi, are making metallic drug but they don't check the purity of raw materials even if they are metal, suppose to form Kajjalli (HgS) they require 100 gm mercury and 100 gm sulfur, if mercury is 99.9 % pure and sulfur is 98 % pure than almost 2gm mercury will remain unreacted & can cause havoc, even the official know this but they are not acting.

Now for next 5 years the same amount has been increased to Rs 47500 Crore might be because it is safe ground for corruption, Ayurvedic companies are selling the herbonmineral preparation as Herbal medicine, this the reason they have been banned in Europe.

Even after complaining, though they agree that I am right but they are not willing to do anything, I went to CCRAS but useless,Deputy Director CCRAS, Mr. M.M Padhi is taking home Rs 1,60,000 per month to his home, but not doing anything & tells me that Ayurveda is going to vanish in next 20 to 30 years, hillarious isn’t person responsible for growth of Ayurveda talking like this.

Mr. Janardhan Pandey he is the Joint Advisor Ayurveda tells me that I am helpless as per law, he is fooling me around as per law he has the power to stop the production of an ayurvedic firm if he found it to be harmful.

Corruption has touched every corner of our life and internet & Facebook has evolved as powerful tool to highlight it, I am using it for reaching up to you, let use it "Sadda Haq ithe Rakh, Rakh Sala".

1) http://www.plimism.nic.in/Protocol_For_Testing.pdf


  1. Such posts need to be there... and need to be noticed and read. However, such posts also need to be very disciplined in their approach and must have the problem clearly mentioned... and the the actions taken, followed by any other suggested solution.

  2. In this post I have also mentioned the various step taken by me to highlight the problem to the top level officer, but unfortunately corruption is very under rooted, this need to be come in the media.

  3. No field is left in corruption. Officers in Govt. are only interested in salary and under table money. Though they are not doing any thing. I am sorry to say that we people are encouraging for corruption. We have to find out shortcut.

    1. Dhirendra Sir what do you mean by saying we people are encouraging, do you mean to say that we are paying under the table to serve us poison, any way Sir did u read about the effectiveness of Smritisagar ras by rasyog sagar & Lithium carbonate together
